Aphasia .


Communicating with a person with Aphasia

To help you to get your message across to a person with aphasia:

  • Look at the person when you are speaking to them. Your facial expression can help them understand you.
  • Speak in a tone of voice appropriate for communicating with an adult. Do not sound condescending, or like you are speaking to a child.
  • Communicate one idea at a time. For example, instead of saying:
    • “I will help you get up, showered and dressed and then I am going to take you to the dining room for breakfast but first you have to take your pill.”

      You might try this:

    • “Here is your pill to take.” Pause and give pill.
    • “First I am going to help you take a shower.” Pause.
    • “Then I will help you get dressed.” Pause.
    • “After all that, I will take you for breakfast.”
  • Write down key words. Use a thick black marker and printed letters.
  • Use gestures and facial expressions.
  • Use objects from the environment to help get your message across.
  • Use yes/no questions.
  • Draw a picture or symbol of what you are trying to say.
  • Acknowledge that the person with aphasia is a competent, knowledgeable person who can make decisions, and that they usually know what they want to say, but cannot say it



Caregiver’s Bill of Rights

I have the right to take care of myself. This is not an act of selfishness. It will give me the ability to take better care of my loved one.

I have the right to seek help from others even though my loved one may object. I recognize the limits of my own endurance and strength.

I have the right to maintain facets of my own life that do not include the person I care for just as I would if he or she were healthy. I know that I do everything that I reasonably can do for this person and I have the right to do some things just for myself.

I have the right to get angry, be depressed, and express difficult feelings occasionally.

I have the right to reject any attempt by my loved one (either conscious or unconscious) to manipulate me through guilt or anger.

I have the right to receive consideration, affection, forgiveness, and acceptance for what I do for my loved one as I offer these attributes in return.

I have the right to take pride in what I am accomplishing and to applaud the courage it has taken to meet the needs of my loved one.

I have the right to protect my individuality and my right to make a life for myself that will sustain me in times when my loved one no longer needs my full-time help.

I have the right to expect and demand that as new strides are made in finding resources to aid physically and mentally impaired persons in our country, similar strides will be made toward aiding and supporting caregivers.


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